Tithes And Offerings

Ways to give...

“Every tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land or of the fruit of the trees, is the Lord's; it is holy to the Lord.

Leviticus 27:30

Offering Box

Place your checks/cash in the offering box which is located at the back of the Worship Center. Remember, in order to receive the appropriate documentation you need for tax purposes your name and address must be clearly identifiable on your check or attached to your cash. 

Mail a Check

Mail a Check: If you would like to mail a check (please do not send cash through the mail), make check payable to Living Hope Fellowship and mail to 301 North Lillis Lane, Denison, Texas 75020. 


To give online, click here!
You can make a one-time gift or recurring donations with your bank account, credit or debit card. There are processing charges for this option but there is a checkbox that will allow you to cover those processing fees for the church.


Text: To give via text, just text dollar amount to 84321