About US

More info on our origins, beliefs, and practices

Our Story

How we started and where we're at

The building on this property started as a mission of Parkside Baptist Church in the 1950's. For many years it served the Denison community well as Hyde Park Baptist Church and later as an extension of Cottonwood Creek Church in Allen Texas. In recent years, those who are currently here realized it is time for a restart. This restart, now called Living Hope Fellowship, is being supported through the leadership of Parkside Baptist Church in Denison with the goal of getting to the strength and health we need to become strong and impactful in our community in Denison for the future years. 

We're excited about what God is doing and the people he is leading our way. We'd love for you to come and check us out. Maybe God is calling you to join this revitalized work of the Lord.  

This church is home to so many of our new beginnings

Real Story from Mark Baca


What We Believe

At Living Hope we believe the Bible is the sole basis of our faith. It is uniquely God-inspired, trustworthy, and the final authority. Based on Bible's teaching, there is one God who sent his Son for our sins by dying on the cross as our substitute. By the Holy Spirit believers are drawn to Christ and equipped for personal growth. Our aim is to glorify God and make him known

Who We Are

Living Hope Fellowship is a community of Christ-followers who desire authentic relationships with each other and with God our Father. God has a purpose for each of our lives, and that includes you! God has placed us in this community to be a light and a place for answers in a confusing world.

How We Minister

No matter who you are, what you have been through, or where you come from, you are welcome at Living Hope. We desire to help people find God, grow their faith, discover their purpose, and make a difference. Accomplishing that mission involves helping you plug into this community to help you live out your faith. We are committed to impacting our community, our nation, and our world for Jesus Christ.